Compare Scotts Menswear and Lyle & Scott store finder services on a smartphone; Scotts has a persistent icon for the store locator in the site-wide navigation and enables location detection, whereas Lyle & Scott does neither (you can only get to the store locator by expanding ‘Customer Service’ in the footer and selecting ‘Find a Store’), meaning customers have to go to more effort to find the store.
To understand how people are using the website on different devices, you need to spend time analyzing browsing behaviour and using web analytics data to discover use journey flows and page engagement metrics. By doing this, you can segment based on device and isolate patterns that only apply to a specific device class.
STRATEGY RECOMMENDATION: Use Analytics For Customer Journey Analysis
Ensure you have your analytics tools configured to track different browsing activities, including:
- Event tracking for key actions like video views, downloads etc.
- Scroll and heat map tracking for page engagement
- Apply device class segmentation (desktop, mobile, tablet) and compare behaviours.
- Identify ‘pinch points’ per device class, where performance for this device class is significantly worse than for other devices.
Feed this back into the user research to get voice of customer feedback to understand why performance might be poorer, then use this insight to inform your design process to make changes that are tailored to the device usage.
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