Top 30 Video Marketing Tips For Black-Owned Law Firms

Lee Brookes • October 19, 2021


Video Marketing For Black Lawyers
Have you tried every strategy you know to boost the sales or revenue of your Black Owned Law Firm? Perhaps you have made efforts to improve your SEO or social media strategy all to no avail? Then there’s a missing link you need to identify in your digital marketing strategy.
In most cases, a video marketing strategy is usually what’s missing in your Black-Owned Law Firm. 

Just in case you’re thinking... “I use videos for my marketing already”, it’s not just about using videos for marketing, but using the right video marketing strategy. Videos have tremendous converting power if you utilize them well in your digital marketing. 

Embedded in your digital marketing strategy must be solid video marketing for your black-owned law firm.

Video marketing is a digital technique or strategy based on the use of audio-visual resources in order to generate content and disseminate it in the digital ecosystem. Utilizing marketing videos as a black lawyer, will appeal more to your customers’ emotions more than words alone. The human brain is attracted more to sights and pictures than the words we hear. This law holds true in your marketing as a Black-Owned Law Firm as well. 


Video Marketing For Black Lawyers
Videos have a way of connecting with your audience more than audio. Whether it’s on Google, YouTube, Snap Chat, Tik Tok, or any other social media platform, videos are the best medium of capturing your prospects’ attention.  

Videos have a way of influencing your prospects' final decision whether to retain your law firm or not. In fact, Google claims that YouTube is used by more than 55% of consumers as part of their purchasing decisions. “54% of consumers want to see more video content from a brand or company that interests them”. Furthermore, video marketing increased in company’s marketing strategies by 92% in 2020. Of all these companies, 88% of marketers are satisfied with the ROI of their social media marketing videos. Video marketing will definitely increase your leads and boost your revenue, in a significant way. 

Marketing videos will improve your Google Search Engine rank and make you more visible online. You have more chances to show up first on Google when your website has a video on it. In addition, video marketing will help you build trust with your prospective clients, through the stories that they tell. Trust is the foundation of conversion and sales. Therefore, you must utilise the power of videos to your law firm’s advantage.

Now that you have a better understanding of the power of video marketing, you need to know the best way to implement this strategy for your law firm. That’s why we’ve provided you with these Top 30 Tips that will make your marketing videos irresistible. 

TIP #1 - Know Your Audience

Video Marketing For Black Lawyers
The first step you should take is to thoroughly understand your audience. For you to be able to connect with your audience, you must know them to an intimate level. This includes their pain-points, ambitions, needs, etc.

You can do this through research and survey forms through which you can get to know your prospective clients. You can also talk with your current or past clients as well, to get their perspective. Other research can be done online before you start creating your videos.

TIP #2 - Define Your Goals

Video Marketing For Black Lawyers
Before you begin your video marketing campaign, take time to define your goals. What exactly are you expecting from your videos? Do you want to increase your client base or just create a community of prospects on social media? 

Your goals will provide you with the infrastructure and focus of your campaigns, so choosing the right goals will be a critical part of your success. When you need to monitor your videos, you will know how much progress you have made because you have a set goal for your video marketing campaign.

TIP #3 - Create A Video Script

Video Marketing For Black lawyers
For your video to succeed, you need to write a script for that video. How will the video flow? What copy will be used? What scenarios will be depicted or illustrated within the video? All these, and many more must be planned before you start your video. 

Don’t leave your video’s success to chance. Be intentional about it, by creating a script, or by creating a template of talking points that you would like to address within the video. 

TIP #4 - Make Plans For Technical Requirements

Video Marketing For Black Lawyers
There is a technical side to the production of marketing videos. All these must be put into consideration before the creation of your video. The technical side of a video includes the recording equipment, cameras, microphones, software, and voice overs. If you don’t have those capabilities, you could always hire your team here Black Law Firm Marketing Agency to create, and run your video marketing campaigns for you. 

TIP #5 - Choose The Focus Of Your Marketing Video

Video Marketing For Black Lawyers
Video marketing can be done in different ways. You must determine which way your videos will be structured before you start doing them. Will they be educational videos, success stories, tutorials or testimonials? Will you create cartoon videos, doodle videos, slideshow videos, or live action videos? Each approach has its own objectives, so it’s important to make sure to choose a focus that matches your law firm’s business needs, and the goals of your video.  

TIP #6 - Be Original

Video Marketing For Black Lawyers
 In your marketing videos, your primary aim is to connect with people and convert them to your Black-Owned Law Firm. To do this, you must maintain the quality of originality in your video. Video works much better when you tell something that has not been seen before. 

Being original will generate the best results. Tailoring your video to address the specific pain points of your prospective clients is also a critical factor in helping you to generate the best results.

TIP #7 - Create Engaging Videos

Video Marketing For Black Lawyers
 If you will use videos in your marketing, make sure they are engaging and interactive. Use videos that will take your prospective clients through a journey from start to finish. When you are able to engage your viewers with your videos, you will gain their loyalty, and thus increase the chances of them converting into a new client for your Black-Owned Law Firm.

TIP #8 - Plan and Schedule

30 Google Ad Tips For Black-Owned Law Firms
Scheduling your videos will turn your viewers into loyal followers. It’s much better to see your video as a campaign and long-term strategy instead of using it on a one time basis. When you begin a video marketing campaign, you can break stories into short micro videos that can be posted daily, weekly or monthly. 

This can help create suspense with your viewers as they will begin to anticipate your videos before you release them. 

TIP #9 - Keep your Videos Short and Impactful

30 Google Ad Tips For Black-Owned Law Firms
 “Less is more.” 

This law works in many areas of life including video marketing for Black Lawyers. You don’t have to tell long stories in your marketing video. Go straight to the point. If your videos are too long, you will lose your viewers before they reach the critical points of your message. Creating short impactful videos from 30 seconds to 2 minutes is the sweet spot that translates well for all social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter. 

TIP #10 - Use High Quality Videos

Video Marketing For Black Lawyers
People value authenticity in everything, especially when it comes to videos. Don’t substitute your video’s quality for anything else. Strive to make sure the production of your video is done as professionally as possible. 

Regardless whether it is a cartoon video, doodle video, slideshow video or live action, the quality of your video will immediately reflect the quality of your law firm brand. 

TIP #11 - Create Emotional Content

30 Google Ad Tips For Black-Owned Law Firms
People are always influenced by their emotions. Many people respond to a company or a product not because they are sure that it is the best, but because their emotions make them feel that it’s the best option for them. 

The emotion of people is a potent weapon that you can leverage in your marketing videos as a Black-Owned Law Firm. Finding the right emotional triggers, or emotional topics that will resonate best with your audience, is key to creating video marketing content that not only educates, and entertains, but also converts. 

TIP # 12 - Adapt Your Videos To The Algorithms of Social Networks

Video Marketing For Black Lawyers
Each social media platform behaves differently. Whether it is Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat or TikTok, each social media platform has their own ideal length for videos. These various restrictions should be taken into account, when you’re developing your video marketing strategy. 

It is important to understand what video length, and what types of videos work best for each platform, in order to maximize conversions, brand awareness, or whatever marketing goal that has been set for your respective marketing campaign. 

TIP #13 - Make Your Viewers The Protagonist

30 Google Ad Tips For Black-Owned Law Firms
Make your viewers the main Protagonists in your videos. The videos should describe a problem or problems that your viewers are currently experiencing, or might experience in the future. Your video should explain why your Law Firm is the answer, the solution, or their knight in shining armor. Take your viewers through a journey where they are the main actors, in the drama, that is your marketing video.   


30 Google Ad Tips For Black-Owned Law Firms
The first few seconds of your video are critical, as they will often dictate whether your viewer or prospective client will continue watching, or will click away. Regardless of which social media platform that you use to market your video, it’s crucial that you capture your viewers attention immediately, within the first 1 to 5 seconds. 

Creating a powerful hook, bait or emotional tug, within the first 5 seconds, will increase your chances of the viewer watching your video to completion. This coupled with a strong call to action, will help your videos to convert into more sales opportunities.   

TIP #15 - Make Sure That Your Video Sounds Is On Point

Video Marketing For Black Lawyers
The sound quality of your videos is equal to or even at times more important than visual quality in your video. No matter how great your videos are, it will provide your audience with a poor user experience if the audio is not on point. 

Improving the sound quality, choosing the right music, and voiceovers, are crucial in providing your audience with a great user experience, and thus increase the chances of them converting. 

TIP #16 - Think SEO

30 Google Ad Tips For Black-Owned Law Firms
Google recognizes the Search Engine Optimization, or SEO in videos as well. This is why some videos will automatically pop up when you search for some phrases on Google. When you name your videos on Google or any other social media platform, include keywords or hashtags that your prospective clients would normally search for. 

Improving the SEO of your videos will not only help make your videos more visible, but once you embed them on your website, it can help improve the organic ranking of your law firm website as well over time. 

TIP # 17 - Use Videos On Your Landing Pages

30 Google Ad Tips For Black-Owned Law Firms
Since videos are a very potent and effective medium in your digital marketing strategy, why not use them in your landing pages to boost conversions as well. Using videos on your campaign landing pages can potentially help you to convert your audience in less time and with less copy.

Be cautious though, not over utilize videos within your landing pages. One to two videos tops, should provide your audience with enough value in order for them to make a buying decision. 

TIP #18 - Measure The Success of Your Video

30 Google Ad Tips For Black-Owned Law Firms
It is time to do the math and measure results. Videos must be monitored just like any other marketing strategy. This will help your video marketing campaign to be more productive and effective.

There are video hosting sites online such as YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook and others, that help you monitor how well your videos are performing. They will reveal to you the number of people who watched the video and how many times the play button was clicked. Alternatively, you can upload your videos on your website and monitor them with Google Analytics along with all of the other forms of content on your website. 

TIP #19 - Use The Art of Storytelling

Video Marketing For Black Lawyers
Instead of loading your video with professional jargon that people can’t understand, why not use the power of storytelling to capture their attention. Telling stories through your video is a great way to build trust and engage your prospective clients. 

Is there a case that your law firm has handled before that you can tell as a story in your video?

Are there lives you have impacted that you can share with people? 

Are there frequent scenarios that you could describe, where your law firm provided solutions? 

These are all examples of great stories that you could incorporate into your videos. 

TIP # 20 - Include Tutorials and Demos

30 Google Ad Tips For Black-Owned Law Firms
Almost anything can be done with videos, including teaching your customers or answering their questions. This way a customer who has a question about your services can easily view your videos to get answers from you before making their final decision. You can also include tutorials about legal procedures or what people need to do when they are in a court case or a situation that requires your legal services.

Using this technique helps you provide value for your customers even before they retain you, and it helps them build trust with your respective law firm. This can potentially help convert more of your viewers into paying clients. 

 TIP #21 - Use Trendy Concepts, Challenges or 
Catch Phrases in your Videos

Video Marketing For Black Lawyers
Online viewers are attracted to trendy ideas, concepts, challenges and catch phrases. The viral potential of your video content, or simply the shareability or the amount of views that video ultimately generates can sometimes be determined by the trendiness of your video. This is why trends are very powerful. 

As you create your marketing video, intentionally seek to create a popular trend, catchphrase or challenge that will attract more people to your law firm. Trends can often grow to become viral, and thus push your Black-Owned firm out to the public faster than you could ever imagine. 

TIP #22 - Show Your Firm's Personality

Video Marketing For Black Lawyers
Your video is a perfect chance to showcase the brand identity and personality of your Black-Owned Law firm to the public. Make sure that your marketing video captures all of your company’s values and culture. 

This will reveal your firm’s exceptionality and uniqueness amidst other law firms. Make sure your video does justice to your company’s individuality and personality.

TIP #23 - Incorporate Customer-Generated Content

30 Google Ad Tips For Black-Owned Law Firms
Video testimonials are one of the best ways to generate trust among your viewers. Written testimonials and reviews such as those found on Google, are great! But, there is always the underlying belief of many that your reviews might be fabricated in some way. 

Branded testimonial videos from current clients, past clients, staff, and other forms of user generated content would pay huge dividends in helping to build your law firm brand.  

TIP# 24 - Make Sure Your Calls To Actions or CTA's Are On Point!

Marketing Video For Black Lawyers
It’s always good to end your video with a call to action. Do not allow your videos to just pass by without giving your viewers direct instruction on what they should do after watching your video. Don’t assume that your customers already know what to do after watching your video, tell them what to do. 

This way, there will be no confusion on the right step to take after seeing your video. Adding a call to action is simple, and can generate conversions that may never have otherwise happened. 

TIP #25 - Invest In Advertising

30 Google Ad Tips For Black-Owned Law Firms
After creating your videos, converting into video ads where you’re able to target specific targeted audiences and locations, should be an important part of your law firm’s overall digital marketing strategy. 

Whether it is Google, Facebook, YouTube or Instagram, your video ads will go a long way in helping to convert more viewers into appointments, and sales opportunities. 

TIP #26 - Humor Strategically In Your Video

Video Marketing For Black Lawyers
If the topic that you are covering in your video can incorporate humor...use it. Using humor tactfully in your videos where it is warranted, can help your message to resonate even more with your audience. People are attracted to business and organizations that they like. 

The greater the likeability that you can generate in your video, the greater trust, and potentially the more lightly prospective customers will retain your law firm over your competitors. 

TIP # 27 - Turn Your Best Articles Into Micro Videos

30 Google Ad Tips For Black-Owned Businesses
If you have had articles or blog posts that did well online and generated a lot of traffic, views or readership, you should consider converting them into several micro videos that can be shared over days or weeks. 

Repurposing your best content such as converting your blog posts or website content into videos , will make your content more attractive and potentially reach more people. Generally, your audience would probably rather watch your videos than read your articles.

TIP #28 - Collaborate With Other Brands and Influencers

Video Marketing For Black Lawyers
To boost your video’s reach and effectiveness, you should consider collaborating with other influencers or businesses that are recognized in your space or community. Do radio interviews, live podcasts, Zoom conversations and the like, are all excellent ways to provide even greater value for your audience. Influencers don’t necessarily need to be social media stars, celebrities, or On Air Personalities. 

 TIP #29 - Include Your Videos in Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Video Marketing For Lawyers
Including videos in your branded emails can increase click-through rates by as much as 300%. Have you already built or have established an email marketing audience? Then why not send your marketing videos to them as well. If you provide quality video content to current and even past clients, they will willingly become your brand ambassadors, and share your content with others.

Top 30 - Edit Your Videos Professionally

Video Marketing For Black Lawyers
It is ideal to work with a professional or team to ensure that your marketing videos are polished, professional and optimized for conversions. Your marketing videos are a tremendous asset to your law firm, and if done correctly, they can become evergreen. 

Meaning, a marketing video that has been professionally developed today, could still drive results for you 12 months, 2 years, or even 3 years from now, when it is optimized for Search Engine Optimization. 


Video Marketing For Black Lawyers
Video marketing is very versatile with several different forms and types to choose from, that would best resonate with your law firm’s brand and business goals. Whether it is cartoon videos, doodle videos, slide show videos, or live action videos, with the right digital marketing strategy, your videos more than any other form of content can help generate the best results for your law firm. With videos measuring the ROI of each campaign is even easier, as you can track how many video views were generated, to website clicks, to appointment books, to revenue generated. 

By following these 30 Tips Tips, you should provide your Black-Owned Law Firm with a huge advantage over your competitors, in helping to attract more clients, increase referrals and generate unlimited leads to your law firm website on a monthly basis. 
What are you waiting for? Let’s get started. 

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