STRATEGY RECOMMENDATION: Define a regular review process
Put a process in place to analyse KPI reports and provide data-driven insights into why performance of your Law Firm website is changing.
Consider the following:
- Appoint an owner for each report
- Ensure there is an experienced web analyst supporting the report owners
- Agree variance thresholds for each KPI above/below which analysis is required
- When a KPI exceeds the threshold, report owner runs an initial diagnostic (triage)
- If the report owner can’t explain the change, escalate to the web analyst for deeper analysis & interrogation
- Include a section in each report for ‘Business insight & learning’ – once analysis is complete, attach findings and summarise key learnings for your Law Firm.
By adopting this process, your digital marketing review meetings will become more productive because performance fluctuations can be explained using data and learning from the analysis can be shared across the organization.
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